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公司名称: Shen Zhen MSD communications Technology Co, Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2005 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 101 - 500 人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: fiber optic patch cords and pigtails, like FC / SC / ST / MU / MTRJ / LC / E2000 / MPO / MTP / LX.5 / D4 / DIN / SMA with PC, UPC and APC polishing and relevant connectors, adapters, attenuators, optical couplers, distribution box, cable splicing enclosures and LC, MU and SC ceramic ferrules and other special customized ferrules, ribbon connectors, fan-out cable assemblies etc, and the relevant components.  
公司简介: 铭士达是一家从事高水平光纤生产并且出口的工贸合一的企业,主要产品是光纤连接头,适配器,衰减器,跳线,尾纤,转换器,回路器,室外光缆等光纤类产品。
Shen Zhen MSD communications Technology Co, Ltd / 广东 / Room 209, Building 3,Xinhui science park,Huaning Road,Dalang,Lon (518109) / 电话:86-755-29407385,29404232

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